Monday, January 16, 2012

Introducing Operation "Fancy Pantry"

As Michael and I embark on the fun filled journey of saving money for a new house we've vowed to both take the initiative to pinch pennies whereever we can. Since I'm the lady of the kitchen I figured why not do my part? If I can save enough maybe we will find a cute house with a cute little pantry for storing extra fun goodies! So! This leads us to operation "Fancy Pantry"

My mission is to make fun exciting recipes out of nothing but the items in my pantry. I'm talking about turning my 10 cans of beans into a delicous Cassoulet or 3 bean Chili. Or using my canned pineapple to make a pineapple and jalapeno salsa to be paired with the frozen salmon in my freezer! As you can see in the table above the list of items that are in my pantry. It's go time kids. Let the creativity Begin.

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